This lab is set for the conduction of practicals related to different formulation existing in the market. The students are introduced to the latest pharmaceutical technologies like friability, weight variation, Dissolution, Disintegration with the help of different Instruments. Physical factors of drugs are also analyzed which are important for drug stability and action.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry lab is concerned for the conduction of practicals of basic chemistry like the Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. These subjects form the foundations of the higher subjects like Medicinal Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry.
Machine room is a laboratory dedicated to formulation and evaluation studies of various dosage forms. The lab is well equipped with all the latest models of machines and instruments used for the analysis and formulation studies of chemical molecules. This lab also has facilities for formulation of tablets, capsules and liquid dosage forms. Students can evaluate and formulate different dosage forms with the help of these instruments.
Central instrumentation lab is dedicated for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of natural as well as synthetic substances used in various stages of drug formulation. The instruments used in this lab help to identify the unknown substances as well as drug samples.
Pharmacology lab is concerned with the evaluation of drug substances on the animals. Both in-vitro and in-vivo experiments are performed on the animals to evaluate the efficacy of drugs on the animals so that their effect on human can be ascertained.
Pharmacognosy is a word related to study of herbs. Many of the herbs are kept in Lab for the purpose of education and practicles. Student does the practicles like Identification, isolation and extraction of compounds present in the herbs. Student can also find the pharmacognostic value of particular medicinal plants.
Pharmacognosy is a word related to study of herbs. Many of the herbs are kept in Lab for the purpose of education and practicles. Student does the practicles like Identification, isolation and extraction of compounds present in the herbs. Student can also find the pharmacognostic value of particular medicinal plants.
Pharmacognosy is a word related to study of herbs. Many of the herbs are kept in Lab for the purpose of education and practicles. Student does the practicles like Identification, isolation and extraction of compounds present in the herbs. Student can also find the pharmacognostic value of particular medicinal plants.
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